Redundancy - What does it really mean?

Definition of Redundancy

A quick search of Google will tell you exactly what the word ‘redundant’ means, and in a cruel twist, they have even made the need to click on a link, you’ve guessed it, redundant!

“No longer needed or useful; superfluous”

No longer needed or useful… Surely we are not talking about people here, and instead we are referring to the odorous remnants of last night’s take away. So what does it mean to be made redundant?

I can tell you from personal experience that you are presented with a sudden rush of mixed and often surprising feelings. It starts with …

The Queens Jubilee Bank Holiday… Is it our right to the day off?

queens jubilee bank holiday

queens jubilee bank holiday
The Queens Jubilee Bank Holiday
Hrmmmmm, do I have the right to take the Jubilee Bank Holiday off – or not? Well, as far as I can work out we don’t legally have the right to have ANY of them off. And Christmas and Boxing Day aren't even included in the legislation, as they are ‘common law’ holidays. Basically, if they really wanted to our employers could leave us all SOL on each and every one of them!
So, from that perspective, I can see how some have worked their way round to convincing themselves they have a leg to …