Employers and work-life balance

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Large organisations

Larger organisations have to balance complex sets of customer demands, corporate objectives and individual needs. Work-life strategies also have to be implemented through various managerial levels and within team structures. It takes time to achieve buy-in and implement a sustainable strategy organisation-wide.

Measuring tool
The purpose of this tool is to help you identify how your organisation compares to work-life balance best practice. It aims to provide you with a framework in which you can identify how your organisation might progress on work-life balance.

It will take approximately 15 minutes to complete the questionnaire. For each question, please click the box that most closely represents what your organisation is doing, or click "none of the previous" if none apply. Do this fairly quickly and intuitively. The outcome is only of any value if you do it honestly.

At the end of each of the 4 sections your "grade" will be calculated as will your overall standing at the end of the questionnaire.

Click here to begin the benchmarking questionnaire for large organisations


‘Ideas for’:
Senior Managers and HR Managers
Operational Managers



Senior Managers and HR Managers

Definition: defining work-life balance within your organisation

The business benefits: how a good work-life policy affects the bottom line

Making a case: making and implementing a business case, ensuring that policies are right for your organisation, and dealing with common problems

Current legislation: do you know the law?

Common problems and solutions

  • Large workforce with a wide geographical spread
  • Large number of parents in the workforce
  • Need to develop policies for non-parents
  • Need to retain business agility in an increasingly competitive market
  • Need to develop a consistent strategy across a large business
  • Need to improve ‘wired working’ to facilitate flexible practices
  • Finding out what the workforce want

Useful case studies

Latest research: keep up-to-date with thinking on the work-life balance debate



Operational Managers

Fact sheet: useful summary of work-life issues

FAQs: from definitions of work-life balance to the long-hours culture in the UK

Current legislation: do you know the law?

Jargon buster: make sure you know your terms - from ‘annualised hours’ to ‘time sovereignty’

Common problems and solutions

  • Large workforce with a wide geographical spread
  • Large number of parents in the workforce
  • Need to develop policies for non-parents
  • Need to retain business agility in an increasingly competitive market
  • Need to develop a consistent strategy across a large business
  • Need to improve ‘wired working’ to facilitate flexible practices
  • Finding out what the workforce want

Useful case studies


© Work-Life balance part of The Work Foundation 2005