HSBC Home page


Corporate profile

  • Approximately 47000 employees
  • Finance sector

Key work-life balance initiatives

  • Part-time working
  • Flexible working
  • Job Sharing ·
  • Paid family leave - 5 days
  • Paternity leave - 3 days paid
  • Priority returners scheme
  • Childcare Programme -
    The bank provides extensive nursery facilities on a national basis. The first of the bank's nursery facilities opened in 1989 in Sheffield, so in 1999 HSBC celebrated a decade of investment in childcare. There are currently over 100 nursery partnerships, providing approximately 850 places for employees of HSBC Bank and its subsidiaries. Of these, 300 places are in three nurseries located on the bank's premises. Most of the bank's nursery facilities are joint ventures with either the public or private sectors, in line with Inland Revenue requirements. The bank undertakes to buy a guaranteed number of places in a nursery for a fixed period (usually 2-3 years), and dedicated childcare managers allocate these places to achieve maximum business benefit. All childcare used by the bank is quality checked by HSBC childcare managers.
  • Lifeworks -
    HSBC bank was the first UK employer to offer this service. The bank offers all UK based employees access to 'Lifeworks', a confidential advice, research and referral helpline which assists employees to manage the challenging dual demands of home and work responsibilities effectively.

Workforce profile

  • 63% female overall
  • 29% female management
  • 10% female senior management
  • 80% of women return to work from maternity leave

Turnover costs

One to one and a half year's salary.

Business benefits

Family friendly initiatives, in particular the Childcare Programme, have proved highly successful by supporting the business through retention of skilled staff. In 1988, only 30% of women returned after maternity leave but by the end of December 1998 this figure had risen to 83%. The bank believes that its policies have made a valuable contribution to achieving this increase.

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